Escucha en-línea o descarga el podcast aquí:
Stream or download the podcast here:
01 - Forgas Band Phenomena - Loin D'issy + George V
02 - Forgas Band Phenomena - Midi-Minuit
03 - Abraham Sarache - The Crush Eyes of Fire + Unwrap the Masks Reflections + First Round
04 - Abraham Sarache - Hope Expect the Worst + Silence a Sacred Place + the Hunt Always wit
05 - Abraham Sarache - Sweetness Honesty Confession + Acceptance Escapism + Closure Fear is
06 - Milky Way Gas Station - Moon Phases
07 - Milky Way Gas Station - Telescope Sight
Ficha técnica
Fecha de lanzamiento/Release date: 06may2023
Horario/Scheduled: sábado 8pm CST
Ubicación/Location: Monterrey, México
Voz, edición y producción
Voice, edition and production
: Alejandro Acosta
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